Thursday, November 13, 2008

Reading Delights

For those looking for more background, and analysis of No Child Left Behind, you might want to consider looking at Many Children Left Behind: How the No Child Left Behind Act is Damaging Our Children and Our Schools. It has chapters written by folks like Deborah Meier, Alfie Kohn, Linda Darling-Hammond, Theodore Sizer, and George Wood. Its about 120 pages of text, and a relatively quick read. I'm in the midst of it at the moment, and gives more context to the world we are stepping into. I found mine at the Seattle Public Library....

In addition, for those who are looking for more background on charter schools, check out What Do We Know About the Outcomes of KIPP Schools? There is a pdf on the bottom, and I think there is a condensed version somewhere. This relates to KIPP, the Knowledge is Power Program that has become all the rage (for AND against) when talking about charter schools. Test factory sweatshop or incredible educational institution?

1 comment:

LE said...

Thanks for the post Lorax. We chatted a bit about this in class, yeah, my feelings on charter schools are still in the development stage. While we don't have them here in Washington state, they are in Illinios and of course Chicago, where are President- Elect is from. His education plan promotes charters, and it'll be interesting to see how the charter movement will develop over the next few years. From my understanding, many charter schools use this KIPP model to set up the structure of their school. Isn't this a corporation, that's profit driven?? Whose interest is truly being served when a company sets up a school using taxpayer money? Accountability? I have a lot of questions...