Sunday, November 16, 2008

Studs Terkel

I just saw that Studs Terkel recently passed away at the age of 96. I have long been an admirer of his work and still remember asking him a question at a Q&A event, and him beginning his response with, "that's a very good question." I'm sure over the years, he said that to many question askers, but at the time, I remember thinking, "Wow, one of the most amazing interviewers and storytellers said my question was good." It's just so wonderful when you can meet people whose work has influenced you. Studs amongst other things was a writer, radio broadcaster, labor activist and historian. He had a radio program in Chicago that was on- air for several decades and wrote books sharing stories of people from all walks of life. Two of my favorite books of his are: Division Street and Race. He was also noted as a great collector of oral history. If you are thinking about an oral history project with your students, check this out- on the Chicago Historical Society webpage section about Studs, there's a great lesson plan that teaches about his work and interveiwing style; and further guides students into their own oral history projects!

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